Wednesday, May 14, 2008


I rolled into Fairfield, OH last night around 9:00 EST with my parents. My mom and dad came down to Jackson to help me pack and get all my stuff together. We stayed in a hotel Monday night and hit the road around 7:30 Central Time Tuesday morning. We made pretty good time and the trip was uneventful. We towed my car behind the UHaul truck. Phil Sackenheim met us at my house to help us unload. We got the last stuff off the truck around 10:30. I can't believe I'm finally home with my family - it was so good to finally see them all together. Amy made us a special breakfast Wednesday morning. It almost brought tears to my eyes to see everyone around the table together.

All of us are really missing and are going to miss our friends at Pearl Presbyterian Church. Those wonderful people were so good to us during our time there. They are all very special to me. We had some really good times together. I'm looking forward to seeing them this Winter when I go down to take one or two Winter courses.

I've got 72 hours done out of a 106-hour degree. I'm hoping to have all the coursework finished by next May or June. We'll see how that all shakes out...

I still have one final exam to take - apologetics. From what I've heard from others who have taken it - it is extremely difficult. In fact, everyone who has taken it has told me it was the most difficult exam they have ever taken in their entire educational life. So, I guess we're all going to fail it and then it will be curved. We'll see.... Other than this dreaded exam I have yet to take, it was a good semester. Courses were good and I did well.

Abigail is doing so well it truly amazes me. She's really almost all the way back to being her normal self. You wouldn't even know she's got a bunch of hardware in her back. It warms my heart to see her standing up so straight. What a blessing! God has dealt bountifully with us in that regard.

I'll try to blog more regularly now that we're home.
