Greetings everyone,
Amy, Abigail, Maria, and I are heading to Philadelphia for Abigail to have the first of probably several "rod lengthening" procedures she will need to get every 6 to 9 months until she is done growing. It is supposed to take about one hour. Thursday morning is the surgery - please pray that all goes well for her. The doctors have also been checking all our other children's backs for curves since scoliosis is genetic. So far, no one has any problems. This time it is Maria's turn to get looked at.
I praise God that He has dealt so bountifully with Abigail through all of this. The internal bracing has worked very well and Abigail has very few restrictions. Please pray that this will continue to work and that she will never need to get spinal fusion.
I want to let everyone know how thankful I am for the continuous stream of prayers that have gone up for Abigail over the last year and a half. God has blessed those prayers and helped her and my family tremendously.